Information about the Internships

EEUP students should complete at least 60 days of internship to improve their practical skills and knowledge. They may not start their internship unless they have completed 75 credits (i.e., at the end of the 4th semester). The internship period must be completed in order to graduate from the program.

Purpose of the Internship

The purpose of the student internship is for environmental engineering students to gain practical, technical and management skills and experience related to their theoretical knowledge.

Steps for Starting an Internship

1. First of all, students are urged to read carefully the Internship Principles located at the Civil Engineering Faculty website and the ITU Portal.

2. Before starting their internships, all students must complete a one-time workplace safety training.

3. In order for the insurance procedures to start, the necessary information should be filled in at and must be sent to the faculty administration for approval at least 15 days before the official start date of the internship.

Documents Required

1. D-2 Form: Student Internship Information Form

All parts of this form should be read carefully and filled in by the student and then signed by the Vice Dean Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar BİLGİ and submitted to the employer.

2. D-3 Form: Student Internship Acceptance Form

a. D-3 form should be completed and signed by the Employer and submitted to the student

b. The signed form should be scanned and e-mailed to the from the student’s own e-mail account.

3. D-4 Form: Student Internship Record

After the parts related to the student identity (first four parts) are completed and the student photo is attached, the form should be sent to the Student Administration Office for approval and then submitted to the Employer. Upon the completion of the internship, the necessary parts should be completed by the Employer and submitted to the student in a closed and signed envelope. D-4 form should be submitted to the Internship Committee together with the internship notebook within the required dates.

4. Internship Notebook

The internship notebook should be downloaded from the ITU Portal and is not sold or available elsewhere. Upon the completion of the internship, the notebook should be completed by the student and signed and approved by the Employer. The internship notebook should be submitted to the Internship Committee by the student together with the D-4 Form within the required dates.

Possible Places of Internship

  • All governmental agencies having departments related to environmental engineering applications
  • Private environmental engineering companies
  • Environmental analysis laboratories
  • Treatment plants
  • Construction sites operating in the field of environmental engineering

Internship Rules

  • In order to graduate, each student must complete at least two of the five different internship categories (Laboratory, office, operation of treatment systems, management and planning, and construction are the available internship categories).
  • The internship period within a company should not be less than 10 days, less than 3 days a week or more than 6 days a week.
  • The available internship period encompasses the vacation periods between Spring and Fall semesters. Students taking summer term classes can complete their internships on the days when they have no classes, if they satisfy the above conditions.
  • Students may not start their internships unless they have completed 75 credits (i.e., at the end of the 4th semester).
  • The Environmental Engineering Internship Committee is responsible for the organization and the control of internships performed by the students.
  • If the internship company operates on Saturdays, this will count towards the days of internship as well.
  • The internship companies must be operating in a field related to environmental engineering and at least one engineer must be working as an employee of the company.

More detailed information about the internship rules can be found at:


If you have questions, you can contact the Environmental Engineering Internship Committee.

Internship Committee

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alpaslan EKDAL (President)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recep Kaan DERELİ 
Res. Asst. Ayşe YUKSEKDAG
Res. Asst. Malhun FAKIOGLU
Res. Asst. Enise PEKGENC

Internship Evaluation Forms